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       Our company always adheres to the principle of seeking truth from facts, adheres to the attitude of trustworthiness and responsibility, regards customer satisfaction as our service purpose, and strives to provide users with high-quality and high-price products and first-class services of high quality, thoughtfulness and speed.The company has set up four regional market management service departments in China, namely, the North Sea region(Yantai City, Shandong), the East Sea region(Zhoushan City, Zhejiang), the South Sea region(Zhuhai City, Guangdong) and the Yangtze River region(Shanghai). We has also set up overseas international business departments in Shanghai and Kaohsiung, Taiwan, and has set up more than 250 after-sales service outlets and authorized product testing service lists in coastal ports of China. In addition, authorized GMDSS product technology testing service units have been set up at home and abroad.